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The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) ITS SC recently organized the SPEak Up! Guest Lecture program in collaboration with SPE UTM SC from Malaysia and SPE PSU SC from the Philippines. With the theme 'Revolutionizing Production Through Next-Gen Oilfield's Digital Odyssey,' this collaborative initiative aims to enhance SPE members' understanding of the oil and gas industry perspectives in the digitalization era. Hosted annually by the Academia and Competency Development Department of SPE ITS SC, The recent SPEAK UP Guest Lecture featured industry experts, including Mr. Tomi Ihwanto from Pertamina Hulu Rokan, Engr. Arnold Gabuco from Philippines, and Dr. Ahmad Khanifar from Petronas Malaysia, shedding light on the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in redefining oil extraction strategies and enhancing oil fields.The first session of the event, featured a presentation by Mr. Tomi Ihwanto which emphasized the importance of embracing digital technologies in order to stay competitive in the constantly evolving oil and gas industry. He highlighted this by saying, "Advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), data analytics, and automation are redefining traditional practices within the sector, emphasizing the need for adaptation to ensure efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness in today's oil and gas landscape." He then proceeded to describe various digital transformation initiatives that PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan has implemented and plans to integrate.. One of the implementations is the smart condition monitoring & analysis modeling that is able to detect the equipment degradation earlier by applying similarity based multiple online variables correlation. The abnormal condition can be detected earlier based on the trend difference between model and actual. Thus, optimizing the maintenance schedule and potentially saving on costs and avoiding downtimes.Mr. Arnold Gabuco started the next session by mentioning the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in streamlining tasks, processing large datasets, and optimizing production workflows. He specifically noted, "AI's ability to undertake complex tasks efficiently and with minimal errors can revolutionize the oil and gas industry, making it an indispensable tool for ensuring operational reliability and efficiency by preemptively addressing potential equipment failures."And in the last session of the event, Dr. Khanifar highlighted the pivotal role of advanced analytics and AI-driven technologies in enhancing oil fields, stating, "These innovations collectively contribute to informed extraction strategies, ensuring optimal operations and real-time optimization by controlling the high gas to oil ratio (GOR) in wells." The lecture covered critical aspects, including the Field Development Plan overview and the meticulous Well Selection process. The discussion focused on the detailed implementation of the AI-HGOR Pilot, where Dr. Khanifar emphasized the importance of GOR control for reshaping the oil extraction landscape. The Multi Rate Test (MRT) analysis showcased a reduction in oil production with an increasing GOR, while the Advisory Model's integration into the process control scope underlined the transformative significance of these technological advancements. The presentation concluded with a powerful statement, offering a glimpse into the promising future of the industry.Written by: Satria Rafif Rafidianto
The need for effective scientific writing and paper review skills cannot be understated in the digital age, when information is generated at an unprecedented rate. In response to this, The Research and Information Division of SPE ITS SC held a Scientific Writing Mastery event that took place at Menara Sains TW1-301 on Friday, December 1, 2023 from 17.30–21.00. The purpose of the event is to provide participants with an understanding of paper reviews, ethical issues, and scientific writing techniques. Apart from that, a paper review simulation was conducted at the end of the event to increase participants' understanding of the materials presented. Especially for those aiming to succeed in competitions that require paper writing and review.Participants were not only university students, but there were also high school students who participated enthusiastically in the event. “Despite the limited promotion of our event due to unforeseen circumstances, we're pleasantly surprised that it still went smoothly, was well-attended, and received a positive turnout among the participants” said Daffa Hibatullah as the PIC of the event.Gemala Tri Hita Kirana and Valerie Anargya Gayatri,  from Ocean Engineering ITS, as the champions of the PROTECT 2023 paper and poster competition, kicked off the event with insights into the technical aspects of scientific writing and an overview of paper competitions. Their presentations aimed to give the participants a solid grasp of what goes into crafting a good scientific paper. In the end, the speakers also encourage participants to take part in competitions as a means of improving their writing and analytical skills.The guest reviewer of IRRODL (Top 2 Canadian Open Access Education Journals), indexed by Scopus Q1, Aidatul Fitriyah from English Language and Literature Universitas Airlangga, presented the following session and gave an explanation of paper review and conducted a simulation. During her presentation, she not only discussed the academic components of paper reviewing; but also discussed her personal experiences, providing insight into the complexities of evaluating scholarly work for a prestigious journal.A paper review simulation was being conducted to take the learning experience a step further. One of the participant's papers was selected for a real-time review. This hands-on approach allowed participants to see how the principles discussed earlier in the session were applied in practice, the thought process, and attention to detail required for a thorough review. Also to identify strengths & weaknesses and provide constructive reviews for the participant.The event's success highlights the need for increased understanding and proficiency in scientific writing. In an era of rapid knowledge exchange, events such as these are crucial to maintain the quality and integrity of research as the scientific community continues to develop. "Our goal in organizing this event is for participants to improve their writing and research skills, and ultimately making valuable contributions to the advancement of research." ended Daffa.Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup
Early in 2024, there is a heightened risk of disruptions to the global oil supply due to the conflict in the Middle East —a region that supplies one-third of the world's seaborne oil trade— especially for oil flows that pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned that the US and UK airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen in response to attacks on tankers in the Red Sea have expressed worries  about the potential for an escalation of the conflict. This important trade route handled almost 10% of the world's seaborne oil commerce in 2023, or about 7.2 million barrels per day (mb/d) of crude and oil products, as well as 8% of the world's trade in liquefied natural gas (LNG). The primary alternate shipping route around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa prolongs voyages by up to two weeks, which puts strain on international supply systems and raises the cost of freight and insurance.Stable oil prices despite escalating tensionsOil companies are taking a cautious stance in response to these escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. Mike Sommers, CEO of the American Petroleum Institute, has expressed worries about the growing chance of the crisis intensifying and derailing oil supplies. And although Oil prices have stayed comparatively steady despite the tensions; some experts attribute this to the impact of economic considerations on oil prices. Thus far, the Houthi raids and other Red Sea disruptions—such as the diverting of supplies away from the Suez Canal—have not had a substantial effect on energy prices. Experts have cautioned that tensions in Iran, particularly around the Hormuz, may have an impact on oil prices and that the longer the violence in Gaza continues, the more likely it is that a regional crisis may break out. The closure of important trade routes, which would have previously led to a significant increase in energy prices, has not had the same effect due to the market's confidence in the availability of supply.Assessing Supply and DemandThe World Bank's Commodity Markets Outlook in October 2023 provided a preliminary assessment of the potential near-term implications of the conflict. In a "medium disruption" scenario, the global oil supply would be reduced by 2-4 million barrels per day, initially increasing oil prices by 21% to 35%. In a "large disruption" scenario, with a reduction of 5-10 million barrels per day, oil prices could increase by 56% to 75% initially. Additionally, The IEA has revised its forecast for oil demand upward, anticipating a larger increase in global oil demand in 2024. The IEA's forecast indicates a balanced oil market, with world oil demand expected to grow by 1.1 million barrels per day in 2024, and non-OPEC supply growth projected to reach 1.2 million barrels per day. This balanced outlook is significant, considering the potential impact of the geopolitical tensions and disruptions in the Red Sea on the global oil supply. The agency's assessment of a "comfortable" oil market in 2024, despite the disruptions in the Red Sea, reflects the resilience of the oil market due to factors such as ample oil and gas supply, weaker demand in certain countries, and the ability of tankers to find alternative routes to deliver oil and gas products. ConclusionWhile the present upheavals and wars aren't having a big effect on the world energy markets, the international community should still be prepared and pay close attention to the Middle East's ongoing volatility. The developing scenario in the region could result in further escalation and have an effect on the energy landscape. Thus, in 2024, it will still be imperative to keep an eye on Middle Eastern geopolitical developments and any potential effects they may have on the energy markets.Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman YusupReferences:Oil prices steady despite Middle East tensions, but risks are rising | Oil and Gas News | Al JazeeraOil Market Report - January 2024 – Analysis - IEAConflict in Middle East Could Bring ‘Dual Shock’ to Global Commodity Markets ( tensions in Middle East bear risks for oil supplies — IEA - Business & Economy - TASSIEA's Birol predicts 'comfortable' oil market despite Red Sea disruption | Reuters
On the 13th of October 2023, the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Student Chapter hosted an inspiring event titled 'Delegates Talk 1.0.' The objective of this program was to provide a platform for successful delegates to share their experiences and tips with members interested in excelling in the competitive world of oil and gas competitions.Asta Raziq, the PIC of the event, explained that the idea behind this was to meet the curiosity of numerous members who were eager to learn how to succeed in competitions. This program aimed to fulfill that desire by arranging face-to-face discussions with speakers who have excelled in oil and gas competitions. Asta Raziq stated, "Our main goal is to shed light on competitions since many members have shown an interest in this field. However, we also want to introduce them to SPE ITS SC on a deeper level. With this delegates' talk, we aim to demystify oil and gas competitions while showcasing fields that may be suitable for our members."The event commenced with presentations by two accomplished speakers, Samuel Zagota and Haya Aqila, who had previously achieved success in various oil and gas competitions, including being the 1st Winner in the Petroleum Business Case Competition at IPFEST ITB 2023. They shared insights into the structure, technicalities, and distinctive characteristics of case studies and business case competitions, providing valuable information to the enthusiastic members.Following these informative presentations, an engaging Q&A session was conducted where several members took the opportunity to ask the speakers about various competitions in the oil & gas field, such as oil rig design and paper competition. Many of the participants were freshmen, new to these competitions and unsure of where to begin. They sought advice and tips from the speakers on how to kick start their journey in these competitions. The exchange of questions and answers fostered a dynamic and engaging atmosphere, making it a valuable part of the event.The event continued with Asta Razqi, the Project Officer for the 2023 SPE ITS SC's Petroleague, presenting the 'Petroleague Roadshow.’ Petroleague is the annual internal competition of SPE ITS SC, this competition is suitable for beginners who want to start their competition journey. The highlight of the event was the Focused Group Discussion (FGD), where both speakers delved into their personal experiences and journeys in the oil & gas competitions. They patiently interacted with the members, addressing their questions and providing insights into their journeys in competitions. The speakers' willingness to discuss the hurdles they had overcome, the strategies they had employed, and the moments of inspiration that had fueled their success not only served as a source of motivation but also demystified the often intimidating world of oil and gas competitions.Through 'Delegates Talk 1.0,' SPE ITS SC not only catered to the interests of its members but also expanded their knowledge about the diversity of competitions within the oil and gas sector. Importantly, it encouraged members and delegates to participate in competitions organized by SPE ITS SC, including the annual Petroleague, and to explore many competitions outside of ITS. “Moreover, there will be a series of introduction series events with various competitions such as Oil Rig Design Competitions, Business Case Competition, Paper & Poster Competition, and Case Study Competitions with hope that members will be able to understand more about the competition and be able to take part in events that will be held in the future.” Asta concludedWritten By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup
With the aim of raising awareness about the significance of health, the Community Outreach Division  SPE ITS SC has taken the initiative to organize a medical check-up event called "HEAL” (Healthy Empowerment and Active Living). The event was successfully conducted in collaboration with the Asian Medical Students' Association (AMSA) Universitas Airlangga. Last year, SPE ITS SC also collaborated with AMSA Universitas Airlangga for the same event. SPE ITS SC decided to collaborate with AMSA Universitas Airlangga again as it allowed the committee to proactively monitor and evaluate individuals' health, detect potential issues early, and promote preventive care.  Took place on 26th November 2023 at Taman Harmoni Keputih Surabaya, from morning to afternoon, this initiative stems from a recognition of the limited knowledge and awareness surrounding personal health in these communities. “SPE is committed to the welfare of the community, hence we are inspired to conduct health checkup activities for underprivileged communities due to lack of knowledge and awareness of the importance of personal health.” said Ghassa as the Project Officer of the event.  In order for the event to be successful, the committee promoted the activities by contacting the head of the local neighborhood association such as RT and RW. “In addition, I distributed brochures to local residents. We maximize promotion by distributing brochures and inviting people around the park on the day of the event. In addition, we also maximized promotion by using SPE's Instagram.” added Ghassa.From the event, the committee successfully checked various health tests, including uric acid, glucose blood sugar, and blood pressure. And although the event ran smoothly, the committee encountered a challenge during data collection due to the overwhelming number of participants. Unfortunately, many residents had to leave empty-handed as the health check tools had run out.In the end, the event turned out to be a significant success, leaving a positive impact in the community. “Residents around Harmony feel very helped by the free health test activities.” Ghassa said. This free medical check-ups event at Taman Harmony has proven to be immensely beneficial for local residents. A considerable number of individuals had never undergone health checkups previously, primarily due to financial constraints and limited awareness about healthcare. Encouraged by the positive impact, residents in the Harmony Park area have expressed a desire to establish free health testing as an annual community event. This growing sentiment underscores the community's recognition of the importance of proactive healthcare and its eagerness to prioritize the well-being of its residents.Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup
Recognizing the alarming statistics of self-harm and suicide, often associated with mental health challenges, and understanding the significance of physical health in shaping individual well-being, the Community Outreach Division of SPE ITS SC has taken initiative by organizing a seminar titled "HEAL: Healthy Empowerment and Active Living," in collaboration with Ikatan Psikologi Klinis (IPK) HIMPSI.“The Community Outreach Division initiated this idea, recognizing the alarming statistics in global and local contexts, including Surabaya. Mental and physical health issues are on the rise and could become a significant problem for families and communities in the coming years. To counteract this trend, we organized this event with the hope of making a positive impact now and expanding our influence in the future.” said Afrizal Randy as the PIC of the event.This collaboration with HIMPSI was established based on the shared alignment of visions between the two. The decision was also influenced by the esteemed reputation of HIMPSI, recognized as the most extensive professional psychology organization in the country. Boasting a network of 2900+ active Clinical Psychologists among 3800+ verified practitioners spread across Indonesia, HIMPSI brings a wealth of experience and expertise to enhance the success and credibility of this event.Taking place on Saturday, November 25th, 2023, at Auditorium Pascasarjana, this event garnered substantial attendance, drawing participants not only from ITS but also attracting students from other places including UNAIR and UNTAG.The event kicked off with a speech from Kavindra Natha Wilasa, as the Director of Public Relations at SPE ITS SC, highlighting the importance of mental and physical well-being. This insightful introduction paved the way for the main event—a seminar led by Mrs. Cita Juwita Alwani Rozano, S.Psi., M.Psi., as the psychologist representing Ikatan Psikologi Klinis (IPK) in the Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia Jawa Timur section. Mrs. Cita commenced by providing valuable insights into the importance of mental health and overall well-being. Building upon this foundation, she then delved into emotional intelligence, shedding light on its profound impact on mental health, and sharing practical strategies for better emotional control. Mrs. Cita also addresses prevalent issues that many people struggle with, offering guidance on fostering a healthier relationship with social media. Additionally, she shared valuable insights on overcoming procrastination, a hurdle that many, particularly the younger generation, grapple with in today's fast-paced world.Following the informative session, the atmosphere heightened during the engaging Q&A session with Mrs. Cita responding to queries from the audience. The committee facilitated audience interaction by offering a Slido link for those who wanted to ask questions, ensuring a more open and accessible platform for engagement This facilitated an open environment where numerous participants seized the opportunity to share and seek advice on their personal mental health problems. From minor anxiety issues to more profound struggles with depression, the audience actively participated in the conversation. The questions also spanned various aspects of life, from romantic relationships to academic struggles, showcasing the diverse and candid nature of the discussions prompted by Mrs. Cita's insights. As part of SPE ITS SC, the Public Relations and Community Outreach division aims to broaden its influence beyond the oil and gas sector. Their mission also revolves around community well-being, and the coordination of seminars addressing mental and physical health stands as a significant step in making a positive contribution to the community. “We are committed to not only maintaining current initiatives but also expanding them to have a larger more meaningful impact to the community“ Afrizal concluded. Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup
Indonesia, renowned for its abundant natural resources, has long been a significant player in the global energy sector. With a thriving oil and gas industry that fuels both its economy and its citizens' needs, the nation stands at a pivotal moment in its quest for energy security and sustainability. Yet, Indonesia's oil and gas industry is not without its challenges. These challenges range from technical hurdles in resource discovery to the unique demands of remote exploration and drilling in challenging terrains. In response to these challenges, SPE ITS SC organized an informative event focused on the upstream section of the oil and gas industry on Saturday, October 21st 2023. This segment deals with exploration and drilling, the fundamental processes that lay the foundation for the industry. Alif Rajendra and Bunga Athira as the Project Officers of this event said that event's primary objective was to provide a comprehensive understanding of exploration and drilling techniques. As well as to close the knowledge gap by explaining the latest drilling technologies, discussing the unique challenges Indonesia encounters, and examining how the oil and gas industry is adapting to meet the growing demand for energy resources.In addition, this would also help in spreading the awareness of the challenges that Indonesia faces regarding the oil and gas industry. “We hope that by organizing this Upstream Series, SPE ITS SC members and ITS students will gain a better understanding of oil and gas science from fundamental to advanced levels, specifically for the exploration and drilling aspect of the industry.” added Bunga. The event featured Mr. Ir. Hadi Ismoyo, the President Director of PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana, as the keynote speaker. He provided valuable insights into various aspects of the industry, including exploration and drilling techniques, the latest cutting-edge drilling technologies, the challenges that Indonesia encounters in its pursuit of energy resources, and the industry's responses to the increasing global demand for oil and gas.One of the event's highlights was the engaging question-and-answer session that followed the presentation. To encourage active participation, the first seven participants to ask questions received special goodie bags as tokens of appreciation from the speaker. Even after this initial round of questions, many participants remained curious and eager to engage with the speaker.These subsequent questions delved into essential topics in the exploration and drilling sector, including the socio-political aspects of the oil and gas industry, not only in Indonesia but also on a global scale. Participants were keen to understand the latest advancements and sustainable practices within the industry, reflecting a growing concern for environmental and ethical considerations in the energy sector.In conclusion, the SPE ITS SC event focusing on the upstream section of the oil and gas industry provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and knowledge sharing. It emphasized the importance of addressing the challenges faced by Indonesia's oil and gas sector in the pursuit of energy security and sustainability.The continued growth and innovation in exploration and drilling techniques, coupled with the industry's commitment to environmentally responsible practices, reflect a positive trajectory for the future. These discussions and exchanges of ideas are crucial steps toward ensuring that Indonesia remains a significant player in the global energy sector while working to build a more sustainable and secure energy future for its citizens and the world.Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup
This year's Welcome Party Member event is taking an exciting step by integrating with the Oil & Gas 101 session from the Science Course Division. Taking place in the Auditorium Pascasarjana at ITS on Thursday, October 5th, this combined event is split into two key segments: department introductions and Oil & Gas 101.The event kicks off with a warm welcome from the master of ceremonies, followed by an opening speech to set the stage. Subsequently, the spotlight shifts to the introduction of each department in SPE ITS SC by directors and heads of divisions. This provides members with a snapshot of the different aspects and work programs that SPE covers.Following these department presentations, an interactive question-and-answer session follows. Here, members had the chance to engage with the Board of Directors and the Heads of Divisions to seek clarification and dive deeper into SPE ITS SC’s work programs. This open dialogue gave members a platform to address specific queries and concerns they might have had about the organization's activities. Many took advantage of this forum to delve into the finer details of SPE ITS SC's work programs, seeking a better understanding of how they could actively participate and contribute.Once the first session wrapped up, the second segment started—Science Course Division's Oil & Gas 101. In this segment, the speaker provides a comprehensive overview of the oil and gas industry fundamentals. Abdul Quddus Al Kahfi as the speaker thoughtfully breaks down the intricacies of the industry, highlighting its three crucial operation stages: Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. Additionally, the audience gains insights into the latest developments and innovations shaping the sector's landscape. The primary goal here is to provide SPE ITS SC members with a robust and foundational understanding of this field.As with the department introductions, the Oil & Gas 101 session is followed by an engaging question-and-answer segment. Several members posed intriguing questions, reflecting their eagerness to delve deeper into the materials presented and their genuine interest in the future prospects of the oil and gas industry.To cap things off, participants had the opportunity to put their newfound knowledge to the test with the Petroquiz, managed by the Research and Information Division. This exciting quiz is a chance to apply what they've learned and add a touch of friendly competition to the event. All in all, this integrated Welcome Party Member presented an insightful and engaging experience for all participants.“The welcome party for new members by SPE ITS SC was very fun and valuable. Because from this event, I gained a lot of new knowledge and met other members who have the same interest in the petroleum industry.” Giody, a first-year student in Marine Engineering who won the Petroquiz, explained that he decided to attend the welcome party because he has a strong desire to learn more about the oil & gas sector in Indonesia. He felt that attending the event strengthened his decision to join SPE ITS SC as a member and he hoped that this would be a place for him to grow and learn more about the oil and gas industry. Written By: Arya Nugraha Aulia Rahman Yusup